Seminary Ravine
Building on our decades of experience in ravine stabilization and restoration, Hey assisted the City of Lake Forest with stabilization improvements at the Rosemary Road culvert crossing of the Seminary Ravine. The pre-project crossing consisted of an aging brick masonry arch culvert. At the downstream embankment, a failure in the culvert resulted in a nearly twenty-foot deep sink hole in addition to failing concrete and gabion basket retaining walls due to outlet scour.
The repairs included lining the brick masonry culvert with a new steel culvert. The culvert pipe was also extended down the ravine bed approximately 30 feet to eliminate the need for new or repaired retaining walls and allow for natural restoration of the ravine slopes. This approach also saved nearly $400,00 when compared to contractor estimates for wall repairs that would have required temporary shoring to repair. A gabion mattress was used for outlet scour protection to mitigate the need for overly large stone. This plunge pool transitioned into a natural stone riffle where hydraulic forces were calculated to have been reduced adequately.