Civil Engineering
Civil engineering planning, design, and construction phase services are provided by experienced and dedicated staff. Civil engineering services include preparation of plans and specifications for federal, state and local government projects as well as for private developments. We routinely plan and design sanitary sewers, storm sewers, watermain, pavement, grading, and other site improvements. Stormwater management expertise ranges from local drainage improvements to major system and watershed-wide flood control projects. Specialized expertise with waterway projects includes conveyance improvements, hydraulic structure design and modification, and streambank and shoreline stabilization. Comprehensive civil engineering review services are also offered
Stormwater & Floodplain Management
Hey is an acknowledged regional leader in stormwater and floodplain management engineering. In addition to our training in traditional civil engineering, our staff of experienced engineers is also trained in ecological and water resources engineering. We have been an active participant in the development of stormwater management policy since the inception of these programs in the upper Midwest and continue to be among the leaders in advancing stormwater management design, floodplain management, and green infrastructure. Stormwater and floodplain management have been provided for a wide array of institutional, public, and private sector clientele.
Water Quality Planning
Water quality planning is accomplished by our staff of planners, scientists, and engineers collaborating to analyze water resource problems and identify solutions that enhance water quality and the ecologic health of our lakes, streams and groundwater. Hey has assisted numerous municipal governments, watershed groups, and other organizations in the successful pursuit of grant opportunities, preparation of watershed-based plans, planning and execution of water quality monitoring, and the design and construction of water quality improvement projects. In addition, we have assisted dozens of lake management districts, homeowners associations, park districts, and other organizations in planning and executing lake management projects including lake restoration, lake protection, watershed management, and aquatic plant management.
Soil Erosion & Sediment Control
A full range of erosion and sediment control services are offered by our certified professionals. Our staff prepares and reviews Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, performs field inspections as required by local, state and federal regulations, prepares authorization and compliance documentation, and provides special consultation for projects with challenging erosion and sediment control issues.
Construction Engineering
Construction phase services are provided for public and private sector clients depending upon project needs. Simple construction observation services are intended to help clients evaluate Contractor work for general compliance with contract requirements on an as-needed basis. When a more active role in construction management is desired, daily resident engineer services are offered to provide or review construction layout, inspect work for compliance with contract requirements, document quantities, prepare pay estimates, and perform other construction related engineering tasks. Hey staff have provided RE services on Illinois Department of Transportation and county DOT projects, and have also served as construction manager for the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority.
Subsurface Drainage Analysis & Design
Identifying and documenting subsurface drainage (drain tiles) is required by most local ordinances prior to new development taking place. Hey is a regional leader in subsurface drainage evaluation, planning, mapping and design. Expert staff members field locate, inventory and map existing underground drainage networks which is essential for proposed projects that must avoid or accommodate these systems.
Unmanned Aerial Reconnaissance
Hey has implemented the use of an unmanned aerial system (UAS), often referred to as a drone, to our list of equipment we have at our disposal to carry out a wide range of project related tasks. Our UAS aircraft is used for taking site aerial photographs and videos for documenting items such as construction progress, erosion control compliance, aquatic vegetation mapping, lake and river shoreline assessments, farmed wetland determinations, pre and post project imagery for detailed reporting, and many other data collection tasks. Our on-staff team of FAA Certified UAS Pilots are educated in FAA guidelines to ensure the safe and legal operation of our UAS as well as giving the client the peace of mind that the flight will be conducted in accordance with said guidelines. The advantages of using UAS technology include enhanced data collection on a wide range of projects, an ability to better map areas that may otherwise be difficult or unsafe to access; and in certain instances, a more cost-effective means of collecting large amounts of data versus traditional collection methods.
Wetland Delineation & Permitting
Our highly experienced ecological staff are widely recognized as experts in wetland resource and regulatory issues. Hey was one the original firms in the Upper Midwest to provide wetland consulting services in the mid-1980’s and continues through today. We work extensively with many facets of the regulated communities to navigate the complicated routes of federal, state, and local regulations and permits. Our experiences span from single family lots to complex projects of regional scope.
Ecological Restoration & Management
Full-service professional ecological services and natural resource management are a Hey specialty. Our ecologists continually strive to be at the forefront of ecological restoration principles in order to deliver superior results. In order to meet our clients’ restoration goals, specific site opportunities, constraints, budgets and schedules are thoroughly evaluated resulting in carefully tailored restoration plans.
Wetland Mitigation Design
Hey has completed hundreds of wetland mitigation projects ranging from just a few to several hundred acres in size. Our multi-disciplinary staff members collaborate during planning and design to create cost-effective and achievable projects. Our ecological restoration staff has the field experience and expertise to implement, monitor, and manage all types of wetland mitigation projects. Our mitigation planning experience is considerable. We have worked with land owners and other partners to develop their wetland resources, and with federal agencies and conservation groups in the upper Mississippi River basin and strategic wetlands within the Great Lakes Basin.
Lake Assessment & Management
Hey staff has been involved in multiple lakes and watershed management and assessment projects that provided monitoring of water quality, submerged aquatic vegetation populations and many other aspects of aquatic ecosystem health to assist stakeholders in making well-informed decisions for their water body. The watershed assessments uses traditional and modern tools is a standard practice for our analysis of rural and urban catchments. Hey performs customized algae and aquatic weed control on natural lakes and subdivision ponds. Hey's team and equipment are well-matched for performing finesse treatments and accessing hard to reach areas. We emphasize integrated pest management principles including use of the least chemical necessary to achieve the desired results and treating only once established treatment thresholds have been reached.
Ecological Inventories/Surveys
Experienced The multi-disciplinary staff of Hey has participated in extensive ecosystem restoration and management projects, with special emphasis on wetlands, prairies, lakes, and streams. We have developed and implemented plans to create new natural resources, to preserve existing ones with significant value, to restore degraded resources, and to mitigate for those which unavoidably must be impacted. Our design and management solutions combine habitat restoration with flood control, stormwater management, and water quality protection (including nonpoint source pollution)—the same combination of functions usually found in natural wetlands and stream systems. Resilience and sustainability is a large part of our restoration thought process.
Certified Arborist Services
With ISA Certified Arborists on staff, Hey is equipped to provide an array of arboricultural services including tree protection planning, woodland management planning, tree replacement plans, tree removal permit assistance, tree health assessment and consulting on a variety of tree ordinance compliance issues. Our ecological staff has performed numerous tree inventories over the years on both private and public properties under a range of municipal ordinance standards. Hey has provided assessment of emerald ash borer infected trees and dead trees to prioritize removals in Illinois Department of Transportation right-of-way.
Landscape Architecture
Site Design
Our creative landscape architects and designers provide creative, sustainable planting plans for all types of projects. We are experts in using native plants in the built landscape, if that is a concern for you. We also design architectural site hardscape features such as walkways, patios, plazas, parking facilities, natural stone or manufactured concrete block retaining walls, water features, benches, fences, and other site furnishings.
Green Infrastructure
Hey is recognized as a regional leader in the development of green infrastructure to ameliorate flooding, protect water quality, prevent basement back-ups and combined sewer overflows, reduce heat island effects, and related environmental issues. When designed properly, green infrastructure also provides many secondary benefits such as livable outdoor spaces, improved aesthetics, and enhanced public safety.
Natural Areas
Planning, design, and construction administration of natural areas restoration and management is a combination of art and science. An understanding of ecology, hydrology, human psychology, sociology, and construction delivery provide the foundation of our natural area design work. We have extensive experience with prairies, wetlands, savannas, woodlands, streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes in urban, suburban, and more natural settings.
Our staff landscape architects have extensive experience in all phases of transportation projects. We have successfully integrated traditional roadside landscapes and green infrastructure into roadway projects for local municipalities, county DOTs, IDOT, and the ISTHA. Our landscape architects have also provided construction engineering services for landscape improvement projects undertaken by local municipalities, county DOTs, IDOT, and the ISTHA.
Parks & Recreation
Planning and design services are available for park and recreation projects of any scale. We have designed public access improvements such as trails, boardwalks, overlooks, comfort stations, and parking facilities for forest preserves, park districts, and municipalities. Nature-based play, nature interpretation, and similar opportunities for people to interact with and enjoy the natural environment are another specialty. Out staff also provides stabilization and/or naturalization of ponds, creeks, and other water features commonly found in open spaces.
Wisconsin projects are managed through our Illinois offices by Wisconsin-licensed professionals.