Resilient Corridors
Hey and Associates, Inc. was part of a team of consultants selected by the City of Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development (CDPD) to plan and design green infrastructure improvements in several west side neighborhoods. The improvements to ten lots along three commercial corridors are characterized by street-facing public spaces with interspersed plazas, pocket parks, and community gardens. Green infrastructure improvements including rain gardens and permeable pavement were also prominently featured. Each lot was designed with a community partner and included amenities that support local programming and neighborhood development.
Extensive coordination was required during project design. Remediation of contaminated soils had to be coordinated with Illinois EPA. The local alderman and resident groups strongly supported this project to reactivate vacant lots and develop an open space that could be used by the community. Coordination with other agencies including the Chicago Department of Transportation, Chicago Department of Fleet and Facility Management, and Chicago Department of Water Management.
This is considered a pilot project for the CDPD that aims to activate blighted corridors in underserved neighborhoods and use green infrastructure to reduce the risk of basement backups. The innovative designs capture stormwater from the city right-of-way to be stored before infiltrating it or slowly releasing it back into the city sewer system. Stormwater monitoring equipment is being installed on three of the sites with a cloud-based data management system. This data will be used to monitor the performance and the benefits of the projects.